How do I get the information for my website to you?
The simplest way is to upload them via our Support page. This is a 'Clients Only' area so login details will be provided. Should you prefer you can email them or even post them to us.
How long does it take for you to complete a website?
This really depends on many factors but we would aim to complete a project within six weeks of starting. As you can appreciate there are many variables to consider such as size of project, the quantity of information such as documents, images etc and also the availability of a client to approve the work as it progresses.
What happens after the first year?
After the first year we will contact you and offer to continue hosting your website, renew your domain name and review your search engine submissions for a yearly charge of just £99.
Can I add pages to my site?
Yes, your website was designed and developed with content in mind. Therefore simply log into your Content Management System to add or edit pages as required. Contact us if you would like more information.
Can I move my site onto another hosting provider?
Yes, no problem, although our hosting packages are very reasonable should you have your own server or preferred hosting provider we can upload the website there. Alternatively, as we will provide you with a copy of all the associated files included in your website you can upload the site yourself, if you would prefer.
Can I transfer my domain name?
Yes, unlike some companies we register your domain name in your name so you have complete control over it.
Do you use templates?
No, all of our websites are developed from a blank sheet, or should we say blank screen!
How do I pay for my website?
When you confirm that you wish us to design a website we ask for a deposit of 50% and then a further payment of 25% when the design is to your satisfaction. The final 25% is payable once the website is ready to 'go live'. Payments cans be made via cheque, bank transfer or by Credit/Debit Card via our secure online payment gateway, Paypal.
Is my payment safe?
Yes we use Paypal for online credit card transactions so you can be assured that all personal details are safe and secure.
Where do I start?
Easy, simply contact us and we can start working on your website soon!
Why would I want an SEO Review?
We would recommend an SEO Review if you have a website that was designed several years ago as SEO techniques change or perhaps you feel you are not getting as much traffic as you would expect.
For any questions not answered here, or for more information, please